OKLAHOMA CITY, OK — Jan Barrick announced her candidacy for Chair of Oklahoma City Public Schools Board of Education with lofty goals. As a native Oklahoman, Jan has spent the past 39 years helping improve education in Oklahoma. 

She began by successfully teaching students in Special Education to make the honor roll. In 1990, she began helping low-performing schools improve scores on State and Federal Accountability Measures. Her company published a curriculum aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards and provided professional development for teachers designed to help students reach their academic potential. 

Jan has published and marketed educational materials aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards including teacher manuals, student workbooks, and online curriculum. She authored The Way to an “A”: How to Help Your Child Succeed in School, Rainbow Books, 1993. She has appeared on local television programs and more than 100 radio talk show programs in Oklahoma and across the nation. 

Jan proclaims, “A vote for me is school improvement guaranteed.” Oklahoma has always been in the bottom 5 in national rankings. Oklahoma City has always been in the bottom rankings of Oklahoma Schools. Is that alright with you? If not, Jan will change this. In the past 8 years, Oklahoma City Public Schools have declined or remained stagnant. Her vision is to improve the quality of education in the Oklahoma City schools by increasing student proficiency rates. She will increase teacher retention and recruitment by improving the classroom climate and putting more money back into the classroom for teacher training, stipends and raises. And finally, she will ensure the Oklahoma City taxpayer gets a better ROI (return on investment) in the form of better schools through transparency and accountability. “Better schools equal a better workforce and a stronger economy!” Jan ardently declares. 

If you don’t like being at the bottom of school rankings, vote for Jan Barrick on February 11th for Chair of the OKCPS School Board of Education. 

For more information on Jan Barrick’s campaign, visit JanForKids.com or follow the campaign at @janforkids on Facebook or Instagram.